Loan Watch: 2023/24 review

Loan Watch: 2023/24 review

As the domestic season comes to a close across the leagues around the country, we take a look at how our players who were out on loan got on at their respective clubs. Sean Brown The young defender has featured in every league game for Ballymena United since joining...
Fanbase unveiled as new ticketing partner

Fanbase unveiled as new ticketing partner

We are delighted to announce a new partnership with Fanbase, who will become the club’s official ticketing provider for the 2024/25 and 2025/26 season.  As part of the agreement, the club have launched our 2024/25 Season Ticket packages on the Fanbase platform, which...
Danni Jennings becomes latest Inver recruit

Danni Jennings becomes latest Inver recruit

We are pleased to announce the signing of forward Danni Jennings ahead of the upcoming Sports Direct Women’s Premiership season, which begins this weekend. Jennings bolsters Donald Malomo-Paris’ squad for the campaign ahead, having played for Lisburn Ladies in NIFL’s...
Qosja and Brant arrive on deadline day

Qosja and Brant arrive on deadline day

We are delighted to announce that Stacey Qosja and Maddie Brant have joined the Inver Women on transfer deadline day, subject to international clearance. The pair become the latest players to swap the United States for Inver Park and the Sports Direct Women’s...